My sassyfrassy baby girl is 16 months today! She's saying (among other things) dog, shoes on and get down. She loves it when Dad 'pop' his mouth with his finger or shakes his face so his checks she walks up to people and shakes her face or sticks her finger in her mouth and pulls it get them to do 'daddy's tricks'!!! She says "hi" to everyone...EVERYONE! Thanks to Phil :) she also gives high fives and shows who's #1 (not the gamecocks)!
She went to uncle bradley's football game last night and LOVED it...she was yelling and cheering along with everyone else...and sadly, imitating the cheerleaders the entire time(No offense, but she's not gonna be a cheerleader if I have any say)! Actually, I think she was in heaven...a place where everyone screams and claps..what could be better than that to my little one??!!!!

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