We have been so blessed. Raleigh was born 5 weeks early and was completely healthy then and has been pretty healthy ever since. She's always had a hard time with teething...she's been pretty miserable with it the last month or so. So, on Sunday when she was coughing a little...I thought it was congestion from the teething runny nose. Monday morning she woke up with a fever and a barking cough. I took her to the doctor and found out she has croup :(. It has been a scary experience...since it effects her breathing. She's been so sweet though. Her pale skin and wheezing breath had me up with her all night. Yesterday I took her back in and they did a breathing treatment in office and sent us home with a nebulizer. She was a little traumatized by the first treatment, so when we came home with it I let her check it out a little...though she doesn't like it, she's doing better with it. Hopefully she'll be good as new soon!!! -M

Love you baby girl - MOM

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