Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Couples Model Search

In my search for a few couples to help me with a project the following beautiful and generous couples have offered their modeling services!!!! Unfortunately, I can't decide which couples to chose...so I need your help! So it's up to my readers....please take a moment and cast your vote for who you would like to see as the models in my project!

Brandi & Lawrence

Augusta & Ray

Lindesy & David

Kristina & Robert

Amy & Mike

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Remembered Moment (& Remaining Fall Dates)

This is one of those beautiful moments I treasure. A moment when my daughter sat still, even briefly...next to her daddy. She looked up at him and smiled. I can see her little piggies barely hitting the end of the seat. A whispy curl peeking out. It's simple, it's them....it's beautiful. I love you two :) -M

I also wanted to a little reminder for anyone who has not yet booked thier fall family portrait session, I only have a few weekend dates remaining...

September 14 (am session available)
Septmeber 20 (am session available)
October 19
October 25

Please contact me soon, these dates will book quickly!

Email: Mwullkotte@yahoo.com

Friday, August 22, 2008


Raleigh is 15 months this week! I can't believe how quickly she's growing up. She is running around like a mad woman, imitating everything and just soaking it all up! She is learning new words (and I'm learning to watch my mouth). We're having tantrums and ignoring mom...fun stuff! She's all toddler...and pretty freaking adorable (that's why I haven't given her away yet...YET)!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Aubrey Leigh

This little beauty is 15months old...such a smart little lady, quite the talker and one Raleigh's best friends. She came over for a playdate today and I was taking pictures of the two of them the whole time :)! -M

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Gorgeous Family

The Hobbs family was such a joy to capture. I think I could have hung out and taken pictures of their two little children all day!!! I absolutely couldn't pick just two or three favorites...so here are the ones I could narrow it down to!

I wish your family all the best, a happy and healthy future and many more years of laughter! Thank you for letting me capture these moments in your life! -M

It's been too long!

I'm sorry to all my loyal blog readers...I've been so bad lately about updating!!!! I'm not making excuses or pointing fingers....but SOMEONE (possibly the dirty little cutie pie pictured below wearing her aunt liz's prom queen tiara) has been throwing themselves whole heartedly into toddlerhood!!!! I've been quite busy reading books, articles and anything else I can get my hands on to help me figure out how to parent my fiesty little person :)!!! It's a good thing she's so stinkin cute!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Home from "vacation"

It was a short trip that was filled with excitement! Here are a few pictures from the trip!!

Here's one I love of 2 year old Avery who was on the trip with us!

My poor girl busted her eye and after 6 hrs at the ER ended up with 2 stitches and is healing well! She's trooper!